Ervaringen van degene die je voor gingen
Vanwege privacy zijn de familie namen weggelaten uit de referenties.
De teksten zijn in de originele staat en taal gehouden, inclusief typos en niet-engelse formuleringen.

Gerben has impressed me by showing the strong impact of simple techniques on the way you present. In an approachable and relaxed manner he pushes you to the boundaries of your comfort zone, where he shows you how a set of basic exercises can greatly improve the way you present yourself to others.
- Diederik, Consultant at BCG -

Ik heb bij Gerben een zelfpresentatie training gevolgd:
Gerben gebruikt zijn ervaring in het toepassen van acteer technieken om van jezelf een meer bewuste presentator te maken. Door praktische, leuke oefeningen maakt hij je van de verschillende aspecten van communiceren zelfbewuster. Zijn enthousiasme en onfeilbare gevoel voor lichte confrontatie zorgen dat je 'live' vooruitgang boekt. Kortom een efficiente en leuke manier om veel over presenteren, en over jezelf te leren.
- Alexander, Marketing Consultant -

Elke maand geeft Gerben een cursus aan de TUDelft voor PHD studenten. Elke cursus wordt achteraf anoniem geëvalueerd. Hieronder een aantal van de antwoorden op de gestelde vragen:

What lessons will you surely apply in your daily work or life?
- How to mentally prepare minutes before a presentation.
- The effect of non-verbal communication on my presentation and on communication.
- The relation between physical and mental state.
- How to get my focus back after I've lost it.
- How to communicate my story to the public and make the public believe my story by both verbal and non-verbal communication.

All the technics that the trainer teach us can be applied. Sometimes when you feel so stressed and that you have to do many things, you can apply those technics in order to be focused on your work.

I will be more aware of the importance of how the breath, body and mind related to giving a presentation.

What did you like most about the trainer?
- The trainer was very open and honest. This created an atmosphere in which I dared to speak up.
- The trainer tailored the exercises to the participants needs.

He is very friendly so that everyone can talk to him without thinking too much. And I can feel that he really wants to let us know something in our life, not only for presentation.

He shows a lot of domain of the topic, also because his experience as scientist and actor.

is spot on regarding the observations of improvements to be made and has a great method of delivering it to us. has great techniques that we can actually implement in daily life.

Any comments or suggestions?
I am surprised with the amount of things I have learned in 10 hours!!!!!!!!!

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